It’s magic

Yesterday I shared a simple, but very convincing magic trick with my niece and my mom. It starts with me shuffling the deck, and then giving them so much choice about where to put a couple cards that the outcome seems impossible. It’s not, it’s a simple trick.

When I was younger I was fascinated by magic. A few years after starting teaching I got a bit more into it. I got pretty good at a few tricks and could really fool students. But it was hard to keep up. Slight of hand is not something that comes naturally, it takes hours of practice to look effortless.

The thing about learning magic tricks is that as soon as you learn them the magic is gone. Sharing how a trick is done takes away the mystery and the experience of being ‘Wowed’. Even though you know it’s just a trick, while you don’t know how it’s done it carries a special power. When it’s known, it’s known, when it’s not known, it’s magic.

When you share a trick with someone, don’t share how it’s done… if you do, you are not just giving them something, you are also taking something away from them.