I miss the conversations that used to happen on blogs

I can remember blogging and getting 20 to 50 comments that made the post into a conversation… a dialogue that I learned from. That rarely happens anymore. Part of this is that the conversation has moved. For example my Daily-Ink posts generate conversations on LinkedIn, and on Facebook. But I miss rich feedback that made a blog post feel like an engaging conversation. That doesn’t happen much anymore.

What made me bring this up is that I had two people, Brad and Bill, comment on my post about ‘Trying to find the Truth‘, and this conversation reminded me of the kind of commenting that used to happen more frequently.

Twitter conversations are fun, but the richness isn’t there like it is in a longer format blog post and follow up conversation in the comments. Facebook seems to invite compliments like, ‘thanks for sharing’ or ‘I really enjoyed this’, but seldom anything deeper as an add-on to a shared post. LinkedIn seems to have the better conversations coming from blog posts, but they get lost in the stream as opposed to being curated with the blog post.

Perhaps I need to make the effort Aaron Davis does to ‘Read Write Curate‘. Interesting timing that I went to find that link and stumbled on this quote Aaron curated from Bill Ferriter:

Here is Aaron’s full website, Read Write Respond.

Anyway, I’m going to make a commitment to comment more on the blogs I read. If I want to see this kind of conversation more frequently, I should also participate more myself.

2 thoughts on “I miss the conversations that used to happen on blogs

  1. Aaron Davis

    Thank you for the shout-out David. Read Write Curate was my first attempt at owning my own presence online using Known. However, I have since moved to Read Write Collect and WordPress.

    One of the things that I have found useful is recording comments on my own site. For sites that use Webmentions, comments are automagically notified, however for others – like your own – I copy and paste the content. These reply posts add another dot to join together, to link to and build upon.

  2. James McConville

    Thanks Dave – you make a good point. I rarely comment on blogs – this is my first one in a while. Twitter is over-political and blogs are overshadowed.

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