Get out the shovel

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I’m not doing my usual exercise this morning. Instead, Ill be heading out to shovel my driveway as my morning physical activity. After spending months with a herniated disc last year, I don’t plan on pushing myself with a weights workout before tackling the snow. I already know that I’ll be continuing with the shovelling when I get to school this morning too.

I’m not a fan of the snow, I make that pretty clear quite often. I am a warm blooded Bajan who would rather sweat than feel chilled any day. But I don’t mind shovelling snow. I put on a lot of layers of clothing. I also put on headphones and listen to a podcast and get into a rhythm where the work becomes a series of meditative motions. I even like the sound of the shovel scraping against the ground. And finally, it’s rewarding to see what you’ve accomplished.

I don’t think I’d like it as much if it snowed every day, but where I live I end up shovelling snow a maximum of 10 days in a year… usually a little less than that. So, I’ll get the shovel out and plug away without complaint, and admittedly, I’ll kind of enjoy it… And I just found out it’s a district wide snow day! I still have to get myself to school, but everyone else gets the day to stay at home… that’s ok, too. I hope to get a lot done today… after the shovelling!


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