Dream tax

I have a buddy who I occasionally buy lottery tickets with. This isn’t something I normally do, but when the grand prize is very high, we’ll each take turns buying some tickets. It’s fun to do, and over a year, it’s not a lot of money spent. I call lottery tickets a dream tax. The reason I call it this is because I have no expectations that buying the ticket will ever win me anything more than money to buy a few more tickets. However, the buying of a ticket does give me the opportunity to dream about what I’d do with the money.

In that way, the money spent on lottery tickets is a dream tax. It’s a payment made that allows me to imagine something I wouldn’t normally dream of. A small fee that opens the part of my brain that imagines what I’d do with millions of dollars. It’s fun to dream outrageously sometimes, and for that reason, I don’t mind paying the tax every now and then.