Cult of stupidity

There are three things that I’ve seen recently that defy common sense. All three suggest to me that there is a cult of stupidity that seems far more prevalent than should be possible in this day and age.

1. “People are vowing they’ll never go back to Cracker Barrel after the chain added vegan sausage to its menus” (Yahoo news). Cracker Barrel didn’t take anything away from anyone. All they did was provide another option for people. This is equivalent to complaining because a wheelchair ramp was added to an entrance of building. How does other options for other people threaten someone so much?

If this was just about boycotting a restaurant, that would be fine, but this is just a small example of a kind of thinking that is harmful to our free and open society. When groups of people limit the rights of other people because they don’t want other people to do something they disagree with, but that doesn’t directly affect their own lives, that’s scary. Imposing religious beliefs on other people are asinine, and there are many places around the world where this is happening.

2. The Alex Jones trial is so comical it hurts. This clip showing the judge explaining (again), “…just because you claim to think something is true does not make it true,” and basically scolding him for lying under oath, summarizes a core problem: People like Alex Jones and the thousands of fans he influences, can’t distinguish facts from beliefs. The amount of harm he has caused doing this is sad and disheartening. That his fans actively harass the parents of victims of a mass shooting, telling them they are paid actors that didn’t lose a child to a gun toting murderer is deplorable. Yet he plays a victim at his own trail and his fans believe he is being unjustly attacked.

3. Flat Earth believers. This is the pinnacle of stupidity. In this day and age you can’t have a single drop of intellectual integrity and also believe the world is flat. I’ve discussed this before (here and here) but with the new photos coming from the James Web Space Telescope I just don’t know how anyone could imagine a universe where the only flat-as-a-pancake celestial body is the one we live on?

Bonus (related to #1): Believing that any text written by men is the word of God. A lot of people find strength in their faith, and I’m happy for them. But looking at a scripture and believing that it wasn’t written by men and influenced by the cultural and moral conduct of the people of that time is blind ignorance. There is a lot of good that can be taken from scriptures, but there are also harmful memes that perpetuate harm, hate, and even violence in those same scriptures. Literal interpretations of scriptures as if they are somehow ‘THE Word of God’, leads to very ungodly like behaviours towards fellow human beings.

I used to think that lack of information led to stupidity, but the cult of stupidity that I see today tells me the roots of stupidity are much deeper than a simple lack of information.