Coming Soon

I have been meeting my uncle, Joe Truss, and playing with geometry regularly on weekends. We didn’t meet this week, but I still put some time into our project. Today I put the finishing touches on the first video we are going to share about living in a Tetraverse. We believe our universe is structurally built out of triangles… Triangles (not turtles) all the way down.

Is the video perfect? No, far from it. Is it polished? No, I could spend a few more hours tweaking it. Is it ready to be shared? Yes! We have hours and hours of video, but we chose this one because we are actually playing with the shapes we are talking about, and it seems like a good entry level introduction to the topics we discuss.

Originally I had hoped to have the video edited before the end of 2023, but I had almost no time over the holidays to finish it. So, I put in a few hours the past few Sundays and now it’s time to share… as soon as my uncle approves. I didn’t hit my year-end goal, but I got it done in time for my uncle’s birthday in a couple days.

I’ll share it here really soon!

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