Changing your world

Some quotes become iconic. They travel through time timelessly, without wavering in meaning or understanding. Such is the case with Margaret Mead on collaboration:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

In storytelling we tend to choose iconic individuals as heroes, but even in the Hero’s Journey the hero relies on helpers and mentors.

This is true whether you are considering Bilbo Baggins, Neo in the Matrix, or Harry Potter, but when we tell ‘real’ stories we tend to focus on the individual, such as Genghis Kahn, Joan of Arc, and Nelson Mandela. We very often focus on what one person can do when we look at the big change makers of the world… but Margaret Mead was right when we move away from stories of individual fame and sacrifice and look at what becomes of the things we do collaboratively, on a small scale, to change our world.

Working alone on something, we miss out on the power of collaboration. We miss out on discovery through conversation, through additive insights and contrasting discourse. Sometimes in learning conversations 1 + 1 > 2. What can be achieved through working with others magnifies what we can accomplish on our own.

Find your tribe and collaborate! Find ways to change your world in the company of people smarter than you, with friends and colleagues who can provide you with insights and inspiration. What we can do as a small group is so much greater than what we can do alone.

Written the morning after a rich conversation with Remi Kalir. Conversation becomes inspiration!