Beyond a simple blood test

I have to go get some blood work done. It’s time to check a few levels, and make sure that I’m in the healthy range. I have an issue maintaining my Vitamin D levels, and cholesterol issues run in my family… and also in me. So I’ll head to the medical center and line up this weekend for them to poke me in the arm and fill a few small vials of blood. I’m a week or so I’ll get a call from my doctor after she looks at the results.

I wonder how far away we are from being able to do this from home? Prick your finger, put a drop of blood on a sensor, and get a full spectrum of results. Add to this a health monitor on your smart watch that tracks heart rate and rhythm, as well as activity, and you’ve got a full service health monitoring system that can be preemptive and preventative. And add to this a toilet that analyzes your urine, and you’ve got a regular no-line-up doctor’s visit without ever leaving your home.

Cholesterol levels seem high? The monitor will tell me, and my doctor. Vitamin D levels low? My watch tells me to double my morning dose. Imagine your watch telling you that you should go to the hospital because it detected a heart arrhythmia that is consistent with the early signs of a heart attack. Wouldn’t that be so much better than not knowing?

The possibilities of what you can do to improve your health with a system like this are incredible. Is this possible in the next 5 years? I think so! It’s going to be amazing to see the way technology enhances our healthcare system in the next decade. We will literally be able to regularly and continuously monitor things that we used to have to do several doctor and clinic visits to do on a yearly (or longer) basis. And when you do go to the doctor, your complaints about your health won’t just be anecdotal, you’ll have streams of data to share. This is exciting for everyone except hypochondriacs… these poor people are going to have a lot more to worry about!

One thought on “Beyond a simple blood test

  1. Pingback: Doctor’s visit | Daily-Ink by David Truss

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