Audio Book before the movie

I started listening to Dune by Frank Herbert today. It’s a 21 hour audiobook, but I had a long drive planned and have listened to over 4 hours already. I wanted a science fiction, and heard that I new movie version is coming out. I never saw the first version.

Two thoughts:

1. I consider listening to a book equivalent to reading it. I’ve listened to so many books in the last 3 years that I would never have read, had I needed to actually read them. I look at a screen too much and my eyes fatigue really fast. I also get lost in the effort of reading and mindlessly read pages without comprehending how the words fit together. However, despite losing the plot occasionally as my mind drifts with an audiobook, I am actually able to stick with the auditory story for long periods without interruption.

2. If I see a movie of a book, I struggle to enjoy the book afterwards. However, even if a movie doesn’t stay true to a book, I can enjoy both if I read/listen to the book first. The best example of this is Lord of the Rings, where the movie visuals exceeded my imagination. For a movie that truly followed the book, check out Holes by Louis Sachar. The movie is so much like the book, I probably would enjoy these both even in the reverse order I just suggested.

I’m already looking forward to the movie as I listen to Dune. The audio version is brilliant, with a good mix of both narration and dialogue by different readers… it’s not just a reading, it’s a performance, and I hope to hear a lot more books that use this method of going to more than one reader. It’s very entertaining.