A different kind of thanks

It’s Thanksgiving holiday Monday in Canada. From Wikipedia:

Thanksgiving Daybegan as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year… Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.

For many, it is a time to pause and be grateful, and to give thanks for the things you truly value and appreciate. And for many it is a time for glutinous eating, stuffing bountiful amounts of food into belt-widening bellies. And most importantly, for many it is a long weekend when people make the effort to congregate with family and friends for a meal and get-together.

For me this morning, I will first give obligatory thanks to my wonderful family and friends, and for the blessings I have to live in a democratic and free country. And thanks for good health, and wellbeing for myself and those I love. These are people and circumstances that I’m truly thankful for.

And now for something completely different:

I give thanks for living in an era of indoor plumbing.

I give thanks for thermal underwear, that keeps my skinny legs warm in the winter.

I give thanks for audiobooks that let me ‘read’ on the treadmill, while walking, and driving.

I give thanks for the invention of chocolate covered almonds.

I give thanks for my coffee maker.

I give thanks for spill-cheek, I mean spell check, without which I would look much dumber.

I give thanks for our hot tub, and for our electric salt and pepper grinders, that are absolute luxuries that no one ‘needs’ but make me happy.

I give thanks for toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, and shampoo. And I’m equally thankful for other people using them!

And finally I give thanks to the readers of my daily journal. Whether you comment, or share, or lurk, knowing that you are there helps me with my creativity and helps me to write better.

Thank you.