7 Sins, Part 3 – Pride

Pride in small doses can give a sense of accomplishment, value, and even self-respect. ‘Wow, look what I am capable of.’ This is not yet the sin of pride. The sin of pride comes with arrogance, self-righteousness, bragging, superiority, and disdain.

The sin of pride is ugly. It struts in front of the accomplishment, and steps into the limelight in full display. It steals attention from others that supported the accomplishment, and undermines teamwork.

Arrogance and superiority are allies of pride. Together, they blind one to the possibility that humbleness is endearing, that compliments can complement success, and satisfaction is better felt when feeling appreciative rather than smug.

Who got you where you are today? Whose support would you struggle without? Who inspired you? Who paved the way for you? Who did the work you could not have done on your own? Who deserves to share in the accomplishment? At least one of these questions should give you an answer that helps you see the selfishness of being smug.

Enjoy your accomplishments, but let them fuel you and those around you, rather than letting them fuel your pride.

7 Sins Series

  1. Gluttony
  2. Envy
  3. Pride
  4. Lust
  5. Wrath
  6. Greed
  7. Sloth