Sleep vs the demons

I usually meditate before I write my Daily Ink. I’m trying to create and build a consistent habit, so that this becomes second nature. But last night the demons got to me, and I need to write before I waste 10 minutes pretending to be mindful.

I don’t get insomnia often, but when I do it strikes hard. Last night wasn’t fun. I tried focusing on my breathing. I tried thinking happy thoughts. I heard noises downstairs and went to check, knowing full well that there was nothing to check.

I dosed off and the stress of my dreams woke me. My mind focused on the negative and wouldn’t let go. I tossed, I turned, I lay awake and unsettled.

Last night I battled my demons, and they stole my sleep. Now it’s up to me to decide if they will still my day too. It’s time to meditate, then exercise. The demons won’t like either of those things.